Monday, January 18, 2010

Checkpoint Charlie

This Sunday was my trip to "Checkpoint Charlie"- the most well known crossing point between East and West Germany during the Cold War. The Haus am Checkpoint Charlie museum opened two years after the wall was erected and houses an incredible amount of information about the Cold War and the Berlin Wall. Spent the afternoon reading about the state of Berlin during the Cold War and the events that took place along the wall. The exhibit about the methods used to cross the border was fascinating- the lengths people took to get out of the East into the West. Some people built small planes to fly over the border, other shot arrows and zip-lined it from building to building and others simply ran for it through the crossing points. My favorite story was of a married couple where the husband was West Berliner and the wife an East Berliner. In order to get his wife over the border, the husband started a relationship with a "girlfriend" in the West that looked identical to his wife but ultimately ended up stealing her papers in order to get wife to the West.
This city has so much history and I've barely scratched the surface....

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