Saturday, January 16, 2010

Falling in love with Berlin....

It doesn't feel like I've only been in Berlin a week, I already feel comfortable in my apartment, getting around on the buses and trains, and dressing warmly for the winter cold. So far this trip has been full of exploring this wonderful city. In just one week I've been to three museums-- the Film and Television Museum, the Kathe Kollwitz Museum and the Altes Nationalgalerie. Being so close to so many great museums filled with pieces of art I've only studied in class is so exhilarating. The FU-Best provided us with a museum pass that gets us into all the state museums for free. All the other museums have great reduced rates as low as 3 Euros for students. Now I only have over 100 museums to explore still...

Today was a relaxing day after a late night. We had a welcome dinner for the program where I got to meet my friend Emilie's homestay mother Doris, who was a crackup in half German, half English. Later that night we found a small bar/cafe and just had great convos over great drinks. Today I went to Potsdamer Platz with Deborah (my friend, not mom) where we got some shopping done. I bought a near pair of shoes to get me through the snow, thick black tights, and a huge wrap scarf. We went to see "Bright Star" at the movie theater in the Sony Center, which was luckily not dubbed in German but in the original version. But it didn't matter because it was my 4th time seeing it, yes, my 4th. If you haven't seen it I definitely recommend renting it, I think it comes out in the coming week.

Tonight is a relaxing night in the apartment, probably watch a movie with friends. Tomorrow will be off to another museum and then MAYBE start some homework for the week. My apartment's internet is not reliable so I'll post pictures when I'm at school this week.

Random observation of the city: they love their hair-dye here. I've seen every color under the sun with every haircut under the sun on every age group. Makes me miss my pink hair I had freshman year!

1 comment:

  1. Are you telling me that you might show up with pink hair in a picture?
